👤 Role

UX Designer

⌛ Time

February 2021 - June 2021

🌐 Team

Ivy Thong, Diana Kou, Stella Adriana

🌐 What I Did

User Research, Low- to High- Fidelity Prototyping

🌐 Tools Used

Figma, Maze

Project Context


UC Irvine students go through the stressful process of enrolling for courses every quarter, navigating multiple website pages for schedule of courses offered, course catalogues, prerequisite requirements for courses, course and professor reviews, etc.

Many students have to keep track of different types of information in separate places to plan out courses for the quarter, which causes them to feel confused and frustrated.

Design Challenge

<aside> ❓ How might we help make a more efficient course planning process?



Peter Portal is a web-based application to help UCI students navigate the course planning process by learning more information about courses and professors in one streamlined website.

As a UX designer, I conducted user research initiatives and created low- to high- fidelity prototypes using Figma, specifically focusing on the Professor Pages of the application.


Search up professors and learn information such as contact info, recently taught courses, and more. Rate a professor and leave reviews for professors through the review pages.

View Prototype

Who are our users?

When the stakeholders introduced this project to my team, we wanted to know the target audience we are designing this product with. Knowing this piece of information guided us in conducting user research to uncover pain points in students' experiences and create user-centered design solutions based off of our user research results and empathy.

Our team decided to mainly focus on undergraduate UCI students, which can be split into two categories.

<aside> 👥 Incoming UCI students UCI students who are enrolling for classes for the first time (or few times), whether they are a 1st year or a transfer, and are unfamiliar with the course planning process.

Continuing UCI students UCI students who are enrolling for classes after familiarizing themselves with planning out courses for a quarter.


User Research